Did you know... Electricity is one of the biggest producers of carbon emissions, so every time you make coffee, turn the computer on, or use the dryer you are adding to global warming.

These will start to reduce your contribution to global warming. They will cost you no money at all and will in fact save you money.

* Turn down the water heating setting (just 2 degrees will make a significant saving)
* Fill your washing machine or dish washer with a full load - this will save you water, electricity, and washing powder. Use enzymes to cut down the amount of detergent used.
* Fill the kettle with only as much water as you need* Unplug your mobile phone as soon as it has finished charging
* Do your weekly shopping in a single trip
* Hang out the washing to dry rather than tumble drying it
* Fit energy saving light bulbs
* Car pool
* For short journeys either walk or cycle
As well as your primary carbon footprint, there is also a secondary footprint that you cause through your buying habits.
If you buy imported foods at the super market, then these will have either been flown or shipped in from far away - all adding to your carbon footprint.* Reduce your consumption of meat.
Eat fresh fruit and vegetables.
* Don't buy bottled water if your tap water is safe to drink (especially if it has been shipped from far away like Evian)
* Buy local fruit and vegetables, or even try growing your own. Plant trees.* Recycle as much as possible.
Print on both sides of paper
* Use ceramic plates and mugs. Avoid disposables.
* Think carefully about the type of activities you do in your spare time. Do any of these cause an increase in carbon emissions? e.g. saunas, fitness centres, computer games. Go out and play tennis or badminton, go wind-surfing, walk around the park, swim.
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