Mgs-ians who are dedicated to save the environment

Kursus Kepimpinan Kokurikulum

One of our schoolgirls, Marina Tan Hsien Wei, was selected to participate in the Kursus Kepimpinan Kokurikulum organised by the state Education Department that took place in- wait for it- Pulau Pangkor! Marina was the school's student leader representative and joined around 70 of her peers from other schools in Penang on the beautiful island of Pangkor for three days. Marina tells us that the camp was enjoyable and interactive as well as highly informative and educational. :) Now lets let the pictures do the talking.
New friends :)

In the bus to the beach!

A group photo with all the campers and facilitators

On the ferry to the island

New friends at the end of the camp; from left: Josie, Mnawer, Marina and Fasya

Marina making a speech during the camp