Mgs-ians who are dedicated to save the environment

MSSM Tennis Championship 2010

On the bus to Perlis!

Czen Yhi and Sarah, two of our MGS state players!

Marina and Sarah, both MGSians

One of our state players in action

Doubles partners!

Girls will be girls =P

The Under-18 girls team

Notice the similarities in skin tone? Yeah, that burnt-toast colour is what you get for a week of playing tennis under the scorching Perlis sun =P

The team in our state jackets :D
Don't we look absolutely gorgeous? =P

Our hotel room

Our state jerseys :)

and again :)

The silver medallists; Under 18 team consisting of (from left):
Syahira, Sarah (MGS), Czen Yhi (MGS), Josie, Marina (MGS)